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For Applicants | Focus Areas | India / GE Partnership 

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Additional Criteria for Applicants:
  • Please see Section VI of the Solicitation for General Eligibility requirements.
  • Applicants are required to partner with General Electric scientists from John F. Welch Technology Center in Bangalore


USAID is partnering with General Electric (GE) in India to offer research partnership opportunities for researchers in India. These research collaborations are geared at accelerating the use of science and technology to generate context-relevant solutions to critical development challenges in India.

Indian researchers from Indian universities and institutes will partner with GE scientists based at the John F. Welch Technology Center in Bangalore, India on research projects in the following focus areas: water purification and treatment; renewable energy; and urban sanitation.
  • Water purification and treatment: Projects will focus on drinking water treatment solutions for urban populations and will be geared at identifying low cost technologies that are energy-neutral, use renewable energy, and which generate recyclable or environmentally benign waste streams. Water remediation technologies for arsenic, fluoride, organic compounds, pesticides, and/or heavy metal contaminants are of particular interest.
  • Renewable energy: Projects will focus on technology/solutions to strengthen renewable energy deployment in the Indian grid, exploring feasibility of large scale and distributed generation solutions (wind/solar/hydro/biomass etc.); smart systems to alleviate grid congestion due to renewables; renewables integration and load management controls and strategies, including storage and renewables forecasting methods.
  • Urban Sanitation: Projects will focus on the reuse-recapture portion of the urban sanitation service chain, with an emphasis on energy-neutral/low-energy solutions appropriate for India. Research collaborations are sought that can contribute to learning that positively affects not only India’s urban poor, but also generate lessons from India can be shared globally.
Applicants are required to contact GE-India to identify research collaborators at the John F. Welch Technology Center in Bangalore by sending an email inquiry to