More rice for Africa: enhancing smallholder farmers’ rice yields in Africa through the use of efficient and low cost endophytic Actinomycetes biopesticide Amadou Babana, University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali Poster
Enhancing food security through improved productivity, nutrition, and marketing of chickpeas in central and western Ethiopia Teklehaimanot Haileselassie, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia Poster
Sustainable coffee-banana agroforestry systems to adapt to climate change, enhance food security, and alleviate poverty in Uganda Godfrey H. Kagezi, Coffee Research Center, National Agricultural Organization, Uganda Poster
Scaled deployment of smart-phone agro-applications for field based diagnosis and real-time surveillance data collection Ernest Mwebaze, Makerere University, Uganda Poster
Development of edible and medicinal mushrooms as functional foods in Ghana Mary Obodai, CSIR-Food Research Institute, Ghana Poster
Development of high-yielding Aflatoxin-resistant maize hybrids for improved nutrition and health in Ghana Allen Oppong, CSIR, Crops Research Institute, Ghana Poster
Harnessing genomics of edible African Solanaceae plants for improved nutritional and food security Willis Owino, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya Poster
Wild and edible insects to sustain forests and fight malnutrition Andrianjaka Ravelomanana, Madagascar Biodiversity Center, Madagascar Poster
Derailing witchweed (Striga) virulence in rice to achieve durable and broad-spectrum resistance Steven Runo, Kenyatta University Poster
Evaluation study of the use of digital technologies for agriculture and food security in Mali Amadou Sidibé, Institute Politechnique Rural Katibougou, Mali Poster
Bringing seasonal forecasts to the farmer: participatory climate smart villages for Green Growth in Ethiopia Belay Simane, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia Poster
Reducing soil loss through effective soil and water conservation practices using hydrologic considerations and farmers’ participation in Blue Nile Basin Seifu Tilahun, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia Poster
Delivering crop yield nowcasts and forecasts by integrating satellite data and crop modelling in Sub-Saharan Africa John Wasige, Makerere University, Uganda and Langa Tembo, University of Zambia, Zambia Poster
Use of DNA technology in combating illegal trade and promoting conservation and sustainable use of plants in Kenya and Tanzania Beatrice Khayota and Joseph Otieno, National Museums of Kenya, Kenya Poster
Remote sensing and GIS mapping for land use changes in Laikipia ecosystem, Kenya: a tool to explore patterns of biodiversity and emergence of vector-borne zoonoses and enhance environmental management and community health Maamun Jeneby, Institute of Primate Research-National Museums of Kenya, Kenya Poster
DNA barcoding to combat wildlife crime Henry Ndithia, National Museums of Kenya, Kenya Poster
End of the road for illegal bushmeat trade in East Africa: establishing transboundary surveillance by high resolution melting analysis of vertebrate molecular barcodes Lilian Wambua, International Center for Insect Physiology and Ecology, Kenya Poster
Using an integrated modeling framework to evaluate the impact of human-induced land use/land cover change on carbon dynamics in the Upper Ewaso Ngiro River Basin, Kenya Stephen Kiama, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Kenya Poster
Using geospatial tools to investigate how deforestation affects the transmission of malaria in birds Anong Damian Nota, University of Buea, Cameroon Poster
Waste to renewable energy: biogas cleanup (upgrading) in Tanzania and Kenya Cecil King’ondu, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania Poster
GeoPower Africa Nicholas Mariita, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya Poster
Development and implementation of a solar PV outreach training module for capacity building in East Africa Geoffrey Ronoh, Strathmore University, Kenya Poster
PRESSA: Photovoltaic Reliability Evaluation in Sub-Sahara Africa Gabriel Takyi, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Ghana Poster
Promoting Resource- Oriented Sanitation in Peri-urban Ethiopia through the Production of Struvite from Digested Sludge Filtrate Adey Desta, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia Poster
Characterizing and tracking of antimicrobial resistance in the water-plant-food public health interface: an emerging water, sanitation and hygiene issue Erika Duplessis, University of Pretoria, South Africa Poster
Developing exposure and toxicity data for trace organic chemicals in wastewater, biosolids, and soils Bice Martincigh, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Poster
Community-based monitoring and management of Madagascar’s National Park protected areas Lalatiana Randriamiharisoa, Madagascar National Parks, Madagascar Poster
Exploring the fate of mercury in artisanal gold mining of the Lake Victoria Gold Field Clavery Tungaraza, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania Poster
Impact of PRONTO training in emergency obstetric and newborn care on 24-hour neonatal mortality Onesmus Gachuno, University of Nairobi, Kenya Poster
Lassa fever pathobiology in children and during pregnancy Donald Grant, Lassa Fever Program Kenema Government Hospital, Sierra Leone Poster
mHealth for TB-Tobacco: An approach to reduce tobacco use among TB patients Elizeus Rutebemberwa, Makerere University, Uganda Poster
Improved access and uptake of maternal and child health services in rural Ethiopia through collaborative community and health systems partnership Adino Tesfahun, University of Gondar, Ethiopia Poster
Reducing loss-to-follow-up among HIV-exposed infants in central Mozambique Lucia da Costa Vieira, Beira Operations Research Center, Mozambique Poster
GRECHLIM Tamiru Abiye, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Poster
Effectiveness of point-of-use water treatment technologies to prevent child stunting in South Africa Pascal Bessong, University of Venda, South Africa Poster
Design of metal-oxide nanoparticle reinforced Nano-fibrous biopolymer composites for water treatment Wilson Gitari, University of Venda, South Africa Poster
Water Security and Social-Hydrological Resilience for Rural Small-scale Crop Value Chains Marizvikuru Manjoro nee Mwale, University of Venda, South Africa Poster
A multi-sensor hydrologic modeling framework to assess the impacts of small-scale water storage practices to water resources over Uganda Jamiat Nanteza, Makerere University, Uganda Poster