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Pakistan - U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program
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Pakistan-US Science and Technology Cooperation Program                                                            
Phase 1 (2005 Deadline)
 Strand-CAMB Course Brochure Nov 2007

Intensification of Forensic Services and Research at Centre for Applied Molecular Biology 

Mohammad Ashraf Tahir, Strand Analytical Laboratories, LLC
Sheikh Riazuddin, Centre for Applied Molecular Biology
Pakistani Funding (MoST): $118,650
US Funding:   $160,000
Project Dates on US Side: January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2007 (Completed)

Project Overview

The Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB) is currently the only dedicated laboratory in Pakistan engaged in forensic DNA research, and it provides DNA testing services in criminal cases, mass disasters, and paternity disputes. This multifaceted project was designed to address the three primary elements of forensic science—evidence collection, analysis, and presentation—in expanding CAMB’s technical infrastructure and improving the skills of its staff and others involved in the collection and use of evidence. Law enforcement and medical personnel were trained in evidence collection techniques, and attorneys and judges were instructed on the basics of forensic science to help them use such evidence appropriately for prosecution or defense purposes. On the infrastructure side, CAMB’s existing DNA testing and serology facilities were improved, and new capacities were added for the analysis of fingerprints, hair, fiber, and chemical trace evidence. 

Major Results

  • Provided six young Pakistani scientists with training in forensic lab techniques and evidence processing at Strand Analytical Laboratories
  • Conducted a series of workshops for more than 180 police officers, lab technicians, medical examiners, attorneys, and judges focusing on various aspects of evidence collection, processing, and courtroom presentation
  • Attracted favorable attention from the Punjab provincial government, leading them to establish a major new forensic lab facility

Progress Report Summaries

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