| Brett DePaola Kansas State University
|  | Dr. Brett DePaola is a Professor of Physics at Kansas State University. He received his BS and MS in Physics from Miami University, and his PhD in Physics from The University of Texas at Dallas. Professor DePaola’s research in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics covers a wide range of topics, from ion-atom collisions to coherent control using ultra-short laser pulses. The over-arching theme is the understanding of basic physical processes at the atomic level. His most recent research explores how modulating the spectral phase of ultra-short laser pulses affects coherent excitation in atoms and simple molecules. Professor DePaola has made seminal contributions to the measurement technique known as MOTRIMS, in which ultra-cold technologies are combined with charged particle technologies to create a powerful diagnostic of ion-atom and photon-atom dynamics. Professor DePaola is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He has won numerous teaching awards and has given invited lectures world-wide. He has held Visiting Professor positions at universities in Denmark and Germany, spent time as a Visiting Scientist at RIKEN in Japan, and was a Visiting JILA Fellow in Boulder, Colorado. Dr. DePoala was featured in an announcement by Kansas State University and in an article in the Morning Journal, an Ohio newspaper. Read the KSU announcement here. Read the Morning Journal article here. | Back to the Jefferson Fellows page