| Dr. Sarah A. Green is Professor of Chemistry at Michigan Technological University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Minnesota after which she spent a year as an intern at the French National Centre for Scientific Research researching novel solar cell materials. She earned her PhD in marine chemistry (1992) through the Joint Program in Oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MIT/WHOI Joint Program). Returning to basic physical chemistry, she completed two years of postdoctoral training under Dr. Marye Anne Fox at the University of Texas, Austin. Dr. Green joined Michigan Tech University in 1994 and served as department chair from 2004 to 2013. Dr. Green’s research spans scales from molecular to global across a range of disciplines linked to chemistry. She has studied the chemistry of tobacco smoke, soil carbon in forests and rivers, copper-contaminated mine waste, and novel sensors. Regionally, her work centers on the Great Lakes including the impacts of invasive species and legacy mining wastes, as well as carbon cycling, remote sensing and the effects of climate change. She served as Director of KITES, a $4M program funded by the National Science Foundation to study coastal currents in Lake Superior. She has recently focused her energy on climate change communication and education. She has taught courses in chemistry, environmental chemistry, and green chemistry. Twelve graduate students have completed degrees under her supervision and she has served on over 50 graduate committees. At Michigan Tech, Dr. Green was a co-initiator of the Peace Corps Masters program in Science Education at Michigan Tech, and has led the Women in Science and Engineering group, directed the Earth, Planetary, and Space, Science Institute, and served as a founding member of the Great Lakes Research Center. She serves on the State of Michigan Green Chemistry Roundtable and on the governing board of the Council for Chemical Research, a national organization dedicated to enhancing collaboration among industrial, academic and government entities engaged in chemistry research.
State Department Profile
Office of Economic Policy East Asia Pacific Bureau
Sarah Green served as a senior science advisor in EAP/EP. The EAP/EP office is the primary State Department coordinator for East Asia Economic Cooperation (APEC), hosted by China in 2014. Her portfolio included oceans, wildlife conservation, forestry and illegal logging, green growth, climate, and other environmental issues of importance to the 21 member economies of APEC. Within the State Department she worked most closely with the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES). She also engaged with other federal agencies such as NOAA and EPA to advance environmental issues within APEC.