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Erick Jones
University of Reno, Nevada

Dr. Erick C. Jones, Sr. is Dean of Engineering at the University of Reno, Nevada. He is a noted engineer, researcher, and leader whose career has spanned industry, government, and academia. He joins the U.S. State Department as a Senior Analyst (Expert) in the Office of the Chief Economist through the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Jefferson Science Fellowship focusing on Resilient Supply Chains. Dr. Jones' industry background spanned working as an Engineer to an Executive at Fortune 500 Companies leading projects including ERP implementations, Business Process Re-engineering, and corporate merger and acquisitions. His industry experiences facilitated his success in Academia with Supply Chain Engineering and led to 4 academic textbooks, over 200 publications, 17 PHDs (7 of which are from underrepresented groups), funding from national agencies including NASA, DOT, and NSF, and tenured professorships from two Tier 1 Universities. His fundamental theories on automated inventory control, quality, and supply chain economics and logistics engineering have impacted the fields of artificial intelligence, manufacturing, and supply chain management. Dr. Jones' servant leadership and administrative activities include leading government funded public/private multi-university research centers, funding large scale programs at the National Science Foundation as a director, initiating academic programs as a chair and dean, and fundraising as a board member on public and private foundation boards. He represents and is an advocate for diverse and equitable conditions for all. Dr. Jones is an alumnus of Texas A&M University and the University of Houston, a scholar of William J. Fulbright and Alfred P. Sloan programs, and a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Department of State Profile

Under Secretary of Economic Growth, Energy, and Environment
Office of the Chief Economist

Erick C. Jones, Sr. serves as a Senior Science Advisor in the Office of the Chief Economist at the U.S. State Department. His current research on pandemic supply chains was a main consideration for working at the State Department, as the Office of the Chief Economist studies how the U.S. can better understand the economics of supply chains and how their disruptions impact global commerce, operations, and quality of life. In his role, he is working with scientists, think tanks, and thought leaders from DOC, USTR, IMF, and other international organizations to better understand how foreign policy can better support the U.S. middle class. His research seeks to describe how foreign policies can make America's Supply Chains more resilient, rejuvenate U.S. middle class growth through small and mid-size enterprises (SME), and demonstrate sustainability through net neutral supply chain green initiatives.