Cycle 7 (2018 Deadline)
Developing water allocation optimization models for Iraq using different sources of water to be allocated for different uses: Baghdad as a case study
PI: Mustafa Almukhtar (mmalmukhtar@gmail.com), University of Technology U.S. Partner: Peter Fox, Arizona State University Dates: November 2018 - December 2021
Project Overview
Serious water shortages in Iraq are considered an essential issue to be addressed to support the country’s stability. The utilization of practical, applicable, and sustainable river basin management strategies for the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq is important to maintain economic development, biodiversity, and social stability, while minimizing potential future water crises in connection with water quality and quantity. Therefore, sustainably allocating the existing freshwater resources and utilizing non-traditional water resources, such as reclaimed water, to different users is an urgent requirement to maintain sufficient water quantity and quality.
In this project, a water allocation optimization model was developed using a genetic algorithm (GA) to maximize the net benefit from allocating surface water, groundwater, and reclaimed water (RW) in Baghdad for five different uses, including domestic, industrial, agricultural, commercial, and recreational. The model maximized the consumption of RW to allow for the highest value uses of renewable water resources. The primary goal was to identify practical alternatives for water management to aid decision-makers by providing detailed user-friendly results. The water management model included measurements of the net economic benefits and associated optimal solutions, which will clearly demonstrate the value of water, something that is often not considered in the decision-making process in Iraq. Measures of sustainability were also presented, considering many factors, including water availability and the costs generated from using poor quality (saline) waters, along with their environmental and industrial impacts. An Iraqi PhD student at Arizona State University (ASU), originally devised this water allocation optimization model under the supervision of Dr. Peter Fox and Dr. Larry Mays at ASU. After completing his degree, Mr. Aljanabi returned to Iraq in 2019 to work with Dr. Al-Mukhtar with PEER support to further develop the model using local input and data. Dr. Fox served as the USG-supported partner on the effort, continuing to collaborate with the team in Baghdad to achieve the goals proposed.
Final Summary of Project Activities
This project presented an applicable and sustainable water management strategy for Iraq’s water resources systems that conserves its renewable and freshwater resources while minimizing the disposal of pollutants and other harmful contaminants to the environment. Using such optimization modeling approaches can support decision-makers and allow them to manage water allocation in Iraq with consideration of current and potential water shortages and related issues. Several water allocation scenarios were tested using Baghdad as a case study due to the size of the generated wastewater that is usually secondarily treated and discharged directly to the Tigris River and the local drainage systems. By running the developed optimization model under different water availability scenarios, it was found that as reclaimed water reuse increases, the surface water flow downstream of the studied region maintains a suitable quantity in comparison to the scenarios without the utilization of reclaimed water. In addition, the released pollutants to the environment are decreased while allowing fresher surface water that supports the downstream aquatic system.
Increasing public understanding of the approaching threats to renewable and freshwater resources increased their acceptance of reclaimed water as an essential alternative source that certainly will assist in reducing the potential impacts of water shortages and related quantity and quality issues. In this regard, meetings with stakeholders, personnel, graduate and undergraduate students, civil activists, and farmers were conducted highlighting the utilization of integrated land and water resources management techniques to minimize water consumption in irrigation and other applications. The team also highlighted how crop diversity may positively impact yield in addition to other benefits that may result if compared to traditional agricultural practices. Providing sustainable water resources during water shortages and drought seasons and other management issues were the main points of contention during the discussions due to the accumulated problems during the last four decades.
Throughout the project, the team met with numerous stakeholders in the private and public sectors, including the Iraqi Ministry of Construction and Housing & Public Municipalities (MOCHPM) and the General Directorate of Sewage. The use of reclaimed water and potential applications, as well as other programs to save the available surface water resources were explored with stakeholders to increase understanding of the situation and possible remedies.
Noor Sabah, Mustafa Al-Mukhtar, and Khalid Shemal. 2023. Water-food and energy nexus systems: analysis integrated policy making tool. 3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico 12(1): 324-344. https://doi.org/10.17993/3cemp.2023.120151.324-344
Mustafa M. Al-Mukhtar and Ghasaq S. Mutar. 2021. Modelling of Future Water Use Scenarios Using WEAP Model: A Case Study in Baghdad City, Iraq. Engineering and Technology Journal 39, Part A (3): 488-503. https://doi.org/10.30684/etj.v39i3A.1890
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