The PEER Africa Forum 2018: Data for Decision Making was held in Accra, Ghana, from July 30 through August 2, 2018. The Forum welcomed more than 70 participants, including PEER PIs and project team members, NGO and private sector representatives, and national and international government officials. The agenda focused on how evidence generated by PEER projects can help policymakers make better informed decisions and how PEER researchers can communicate their findings and recommendations most effectively to various audiences. The first day was dedicated to in-depth training on data analysis and GIS to help PIs incorporate the associated tools and data into their projects. The next three days focused on using data for decision making, with attendees hearing presentations and panel discussions featuring a range of stakeholders, including local government ministers, staff from USAID and other U.S. Government agencies, and NGO representatives who shared their experiences and recommendations on how scientists can gather and disseminate their data to non-scientific audiences with maximum impact. PIs also met in subject-matter working groups to share their ongoing work, consider technical developments in their specific fields, and discuss policy and programmatic impacts achieved. Speaker Presentations
July 30: GIS Training
GIS Training Kevin Horn, GeoCenter, USAID DC Emmanuel Antoh, USAID Ghana Rebekke Muench, NASA SERVIR
July 31: Data & Technology Driving Development Decision Making
Welcome & Introductions Annica Wayman, USAID DC
Development Challenges and Data/ Tech Solutions for Africa Hon. Dr. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation, Ghana
Data and Technology for Development Decision Making
Moderated by Annica Wayman, USAID DC USAIDSheila Mensah, Regional Health Office, USAID West Africa NSFLara Campbell, Office of International Science and Engineering, NSF USDA/ARSMarcella Witting, Office of International Research Programs, USDA ARS Evidence to Action: Indonesia Alliance for Policy Research Moderator: Annica Wayman, USAID/Washington Panel: Dr. Ocky Radjasa, Diponegoro University; Petrarca Karetji, KSI; Medelina Hendytio, Centre for Strategic and International Studies USAID/ PEER Open Data Policy
Melissa Day, USAID DC August 1: Using Data and Technology to fill Policy GapsSatellite, Mapping, and Data Collection for Development in AfricaRebekke Muench, Science Coordination Office, NASA SERVIR Robinson Mugo, RCMRD, SERVIR East and South Africa Kenneth Mubea, RCMRD, SERVIR East and South Africa Foster Mensah, University of Ghana Innovative Development in Africa: Looking to the Future
Moderated by Adelaide Asante, Science, Technology, & Innovation, MESTI Ghana Koku Awooner-Williams, Policy, Planning, Monitoring, & Evaluation Division, GHS Sebusang Sebusang, Technologies, BITRI Chihenyo Kangara, Climate Change & Resilience Office, USAID East Africa August 2: Stakeholder Mapping, Data MarketingStakeholder Mapping
Brent Wells, USAID DC Catering Communications for Stakeholders: Best Practices
Moderated by Amma Aboagye, USAID West Africa GINKSIbrahim Inusah, GINKS; IPAHeidi McAnnally-Linz, Policy & Communications Team, IPA; OdekroErnest Armah, Research & Content Development, Odekro; Lessons in Successful Communication from a Scientist with PracticeDela Nai, Population Council Ghana This website contains unedited verbatim presentations by individuals and is not an official report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Opinions and statements included in this material are solely those of the individual authors. They have not been verified as accurate, nor do they necessarily represent the views of other meeting participants, the planning committee, or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.