Media Coverage A Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States (July 2011)
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August 18, 2014 Gender Tenure Gap 'Significant' in Some Subjects, Finds US Study Times Higher Education She started off by identifying everyone who had been an assistant professor at any point from 2000 through 2004 at a university in one of the three examined disciplines, looking only at departments ranked by the National Research Council's evaluation of doctoral programmes.
April 8, 2014 The Prestige Payoff Inside Higher Ed Graduate programs were divided, based on National Research Council ratings, into four levels of prestige (including a level reflecting institutions too young to have a reputation).
September 18, 2013 Stephen M. Walt: Breaking Ranks in Academia Foreign Policy (blog) Campbell and Desch examine the methodology behind the National Research Council rankings of graduate programs in political science, and argue that the methods used are both "systematically biased" and analytically flawed. National Research Council ...
September 15, 2013 Rank Irrelevance: How Academia Lost Its Way Foreign Affairs The National Research Council (NRC) rankings of Graduate Programs are today’s gold standard; climbing them is one of the most important goals there is for a university. But the NRC approach siloes academic disciplines and discourages real-world relevance among scholars …
April 15, 2013 Diverse Conversations: Top 20 Historically Black Colleges and Universities of 2012-13 Huffington Post A 2010 report from the National Academies ranked FAMU as the number one school in the nation that turns out black students holding doctorates in engineering and natural sciences. 7. Jackson State University, Jackson, Miss.: This state school is a...