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Funded Projects | PEER Cycle 5 Grant Recipients

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Ethiopia - Project 5-194: Bringing seasonal forecasts to the farmer: participatory climate smart villages for Green Growth in Ethiopia
PI: Belay Simane, Addis Ababa University
U.S. Partner: Benjamin Zaitchik, Johns Hopkins University (funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

Ethiopia - Project 5-610: Improved access and uptake of maternal and child health services in rural Ethiopia through collaborative community and health systems partnership
PI: Getahun Asres Alemie, University of Gondar
U.S. Partner: Judd Walson, University of Washington (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Kenya - Project 5-93: Remote sensing and GIS mapping for land use changes in Laikipia ecosystem, Kenya: a tool to explore patterns of biodiversity and emergence of vector-borne zoonoses and enhance environmental management and community health
PI: Nancy Moinde, Institute of Primate Research, National Museums of Kenya
U.S. Partner: Peter Leimbruger, Smithsonian Institution

Mali – Project 5-148: More rice for Africa: enhancing smallholder farmers’ rice yields in Africa through the use of efficient and low cost endophytic Actinomycetes biopesticide
PI: Amadou Babana, University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB)
U.S. Partner: David Weller, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Wheat Health, Genetics and Quality Research Unit

South Africa - Project 5-48: Characterizing and tracking of antimicrobial resistance in the water-plant-food public health interface: an emerging water, sanitation and hygiene issue

PI: Liza Korsten, University of Pretoria
U.S. Partner: Manan Sharma, Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory, USDA/ARS

South Africa - Project 5-432: Developing exposure and toxicity data for trace organic chemicals in wastewater, biosolids, and soils
PI: Bice Martincigh, University of KwaZulu-Natal
U.S. Partner: Natalie Mladenov, San Diego State University (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Uganda - Project 5-19: A multi-sensor hydrologic modeling framework to assess the impacts of small-scale water storage practices to water resources over Uganda
PI: Jamiat Nanteza, Makerere University
U.S. Partner: Mathew Rodell, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Uganda - Project 5-37: Delivering crop yield nowcasts and forecasts by integrating satellite data and crop modelling in Sub-Saharan Africa

PI: Ejiet John Wasige, Makerere University
U.S. Partner: Forrest Melton, California State University Monterey Bay, and the NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science and Technology

Uganda - Project 5-450: mHealth for TB-Tobacco: an approach to reduce tobacco use among TB patients
PI: Elizeus Rutebemberwa, Makerere University School of Public Health
U.S. Partner: Robert Pack, East Tennessee State University (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Bangladesh - Project 5-424: Community intervention to promote Chlorhexidine for reducing umbilical cord infections in Bangladesh
PI: Lutfe Ara, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b)
U.S. Partner: Eben Kenah, University of Florida (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

India - Project 5-550: Development of a comprehensive performance evaluation and O&M strategy for Indian solar sector
PI: Dibin Chandran, World Institute of Sustainable Energy
Partner: Deepak Sagi, GE India

Indonesia - Project 5-125: Strengthening resilience to extreme weather related events in Indonesia through improving the predictability of drought risk within Drought Cycle Management Model
PI: Heri Kuswanto, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
U.S. Partner: Justin Sheffield, Princeton University (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Indonesia - Project 5-215: Enhancing research capacity through a biotechnology-driven investigation of novel gram-negative bacteria from Indonesian sponges
PI: Ocky Radjasa, Diponegoro University
U.S. Partner: Phillip Crews, University of California, Santa Cruz (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Indonesia - Project 5-395: Incorporating climate change induced sea level rise information into coastal cities’ preparedness toward coastal hazards
PI: Syamsidik, Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Syiah Kuala University
U.S. Partner: Louise K. Comfort, University of Pittsburgh (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Indonesia - Project 5-408: Implementing a combination of rapid diagnostic tests, biomarkers and standard of care procedures for the diagnosis of pneumonia in pediatric patients to improve clinical management in Indonesia
PI: Herman Kosasih, INA RESPOND
U.S. Partner: Clifford Lane, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health 

Indonesia - Project 5-429: Science teaching in Indonesian religious schools

PI: Askuri Ibn Chamim, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies
U.S. Partner: Joel Kuipers, George Washington University (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Indonesia - Project 5-497: Increasing TB Notification through one Stop clinics and Engagement with Private health care providers in Bandung, Indonesia (INSTEP)
PI: Bachti Alisjahbana, TB-HIV Research Center, Universitas Padjadjaran
U.S. Partner: Megan Murray, Harvard Medical School (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Kazakhstann - Project 5-236: Satellite-enhanced snowmelt flood and drought predictions for the Kabul River Basin (KRB) with surface and groundwater modeling
PI: Jay Sagin, Nazarbayev University, with co-PIs Mohammad Najaf (Deceased), Kabul Polytechnic University (Afghanistan), and Muhammad Abid, COMSATS (Pakistan)
U.S. Partner: Jennifer Jacobs, University of New Hampshire (funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Agency)

Kyrgyzstan - Project 5-519: Integrated water resources management and strategic environmental assessment of Kabul and Amudarya Rivers
PI: Zheenbek Kulenbekov, American University of Central Asia
U.S. Partner: Forrest Melton, California State University Monterey Bay, and the NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science and Technology

Nepal - Project 5-17: Cluster-controlled implementation science trial of integrated maternal newborn child healthcare delivery in group settings
PI: Pushpa Chaudhari, Possible (formerly known as Nyaya Health)
U.S. Partner: Duncan Maru, Brigham and Women’s Hospital (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Nepal - Project 5-185: JaibikMap: Nepal’s biodiversity and climate change tool for the future

PI: Menaka Panta, International Union for Conservation of Nature - Nepal
U.S. Partner: Walter Jetz, Yale University (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Nepal - Project 5-576: Understanding the phenomenon of open mapping: creating open-source map data as a critical information infrastructure for disaster preparedness and development
PI: Nama Budhathoki, Kathmandu Living Labs
U.S. Partner: Kenneth Anderson, University of Colorado Boulder (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Pakistan – Project 5-85: Using water resources systems analysis to guide transboundary Kabul River water partnership
PI: Hina Lotia, Leadership for Environment and Development Pakistan
U.S. Partner: Julie Kiang, U.S. Geological Survey, and Jerad Bales, U.S. Geological Survey

Philippines - Project 5-173: Using contact tracing to assess barriers to diagnosis and treatment and develop an educational campaign surrounding childhood tuberculosis in the Northern Philippines

PI: Flordeliza Bassiag, Isabela State University
U.S. Partner: Tania Thomas, University of Virginia (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Tajikistan - Project 5-140: Interstate water resource risk management: towards a sustainable future for the Pyanj River basin

PI: Rano Eshankulova,  Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower, and Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
U.S. Partner: Mark Williams, University of Colorado Boulder (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Uzbekistan - Project 5-323: Provision of science based evidence on climate induced water quality challenges in Amu Darya basin
PI: Iskandar Abdullaev, Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC)
U.S. Partner: Antarpreet Jutla, West Virginia University (funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

Uzbekistan - Project 5-523: Implications of climate change, land use and adaptation interventions on water resources and agricultural production in transboundary Amu Darya river basin
PI: Zafar Gafurov, International Water Management Institute
U.S. Partner: John Bolten, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Vietnam - Project 5-253: Using multi data for biodiversity conservation at Dak Nong Province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
PI: Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Tay Nguyen University
U.S. Partner: Volker Radeloff, University of Wisconsin–Madison (funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

Vietnam - Project 5-257: GIS and remote sensing application for assessment of land degradation in the Lower Mekong River Basin
PI: Quyet Vu, Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute
U.S. Partners: John Bolten, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Venkat Lakshmi, University of Virginia

Vietnam - Project 5-618: Study on coral reef resilience in comparative areas in south Vietnam for marine biodiversity conservation in a changing world
PI: Tuan Si Vo, Institute of Oceanography
U.S. Partner: Mark Eakin, NOAA Coral Reef Watch

Vietnam - Project  5-666: An assessment of smoking and access to care as risk factors for gender-differences in TB rates: a substudy of the Vietnam NTP TB prevalence survey 2016-2018
PI: Nguyen Van Hung, Vietnam National Tuberculosis Program
U.S. Partner: Payam Nahid, University of California, San Francisco (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Latin America

Brazil - Project 5-9: History and diversification of floodplain forest bird communities in Amazonia: towards an integrated conservation plan
PI: Camila Ribas, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and co-PI Alexandre Aleixo, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
U.S. Partner: Joel Cracraft, American Museum of Natural History (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Brazil - Project 5-589: Integrating dimensions of microbial biodiversity across wetlands and land use types to understand methane greenhouse gas cycling in tropical forests
PI: Jose Mauro Moura, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará
U.S. Partner: Jorge Rodrigues, University of California, Davis (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Colombia - Project 5-331: Degradation of tropical forests in Colombia: impacts of fire
PI: Dolors Armenteras, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
U.S. Partner: Jennifer K. Balch, University of Colorado, Boulder (funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

Dominican Republic - Project 5-400: Development and Use of the i-Tree tool to explore the potential for urban green infrastructure as an adaption strategy to climate change resilience in the city of Santo Domingo
PI: Solhanlle Bonilla Duarte, Instituto Tecnológia de Santo Domingo
U.S. Partner: Gerald Bauer, U.S. Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry

El Salvador - Project 5-58: Data sciences training and research to address crime and insecurity in El Salvador
PI: Oscar Picardo, Universidad Francisco Gavidia
U.S. Partner: Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Arizona State University (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Peru - Project 5-259: AGUA-ANDES: ecological infrastructure strategies for enhancing water sustainability in the semi-arid Andes
PI: Bram Willems, Centro de Competencias del Agua - CCA
U.S. Partner: Andrea Gerlak, University of Arizona (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Middle East

Afghanistan - Project 5-183: Impact of climate change on runoff from glaciers, snow, and rainfall in the Pamir and Hindu Kush Mountains: a comparison of Amu Darya and Kabul River basins
PI: Fahimeh Salehi, Green Social Research Organization
U.S. Partner: Daniel Fagre, USGS

Egypt - Project 5-601: Capacity building of health care providers in Egypt to counsel pregnant women and their families regarding smoking cessation and second hand smoking avoidance
PI: Wagida Anwar, Ain Shams University School of Medicine
U.S. Partners: Scott Sherman, New York University (funded by the National Institutes of Health), and Cheryl Oncken, University of Connecticut (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Jordan - Project 5-91: The occurrence and fate of pharmaceutical residues from their sources to water bodies and food chain
PI: Othman Almashaqbeh, Scientific Research Center / Royal Scientific Society
U.S. Partner: Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (funded by the United States Department of Agriculture/ National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Lebanon - Project 5-18: Enhancing water quality monitoring and improving water disinfection processes in Lebanon
PI: Antoine Ghauch, American University of Beirut
U.S. Partner: David Sedlak, University of California, Berkeley (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Lebanon - Project 5-56: Hazardous effect of pollutants in Deir Kanoun Dump on the Syrian refugees and the Lebanese people
PI: Jamila Borjac, Beirut Arab University
U.S. Partner: Diane Blake, Tulane University (funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Morocco - Project 5-198: Seamless solar PV integration in Moroccan buildings
PI: Mounir Ghogho, International University of Rabat (co-funded by National Instruments)
U.S. Partner: Paul Flikkema, Northern Arizona University (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Morocco - Project 5-398: Towards smart microgrids: renewable energy integration into smart buildings
PI: Mohamed Riduan Abid, Alakhawayn University
U.S. Partner: Driss Benhaddou, University of Houston (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Morocco - Project 5-648: Data science for improved education and employability in Morocco
PI: Ghita Mezzour, International University of Rabat
U.S. Partner: Kathleen Carley, Carnegie Mellon University (funded by the National Science Foundation)

Tunisia - Project 5-128: Enhanced research capacity and fish health infrastructure to assist Tunisian aquaculture
PI: Nadia Chérif, National Institute of Sea Sciences and Technologies
U.S. Partner: James Winton, U.S. Geological Survey

Tunisia - Project 5-195: Potential of currents along the Tunisia coasts for renewable power generation

PI: Ali Harzallah, National Institute of Marine Science and Technologies
U.S. Partner: Wassila Thiaw, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tunisia - Project 5-518: Diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis: development and evaluation of multiplex POC DNA assays
PI: Ikram Guizani, Institut Pasteur de Tunis
U.S. Partner: Steven Reed, Infectious Disease Research Institute (funded by the National Institutes of Health)